EURA-NET project conference in Brussels

December 02 -03 2016

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On 2 December, SMC Director of Research and Publications Maruja Asis and Research Associate Karen Liao attended the final EURA-NET project conference in Brussels at the Centre for European Policy Research (CEPS). The conference, titled “EU-Asian Mobility at the Time of Migration and Refugee Compacts” culminates the three-year research study on temporary transnational migration in selected countries in Asia and Europe. Findings from the project were presented by selected country member representatives, including a summary of results from sending countries in Asia, presented by Dr. Asis. The sessions offered a space for lively discussion and engagement with EU representatives and other relevant policymakers. The following day, on 3 December, the EURA-NET research group held its 7th project meeting at CEPS to discuss next steps and future plans.

EURA-NET—“Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of the Temporary Mobility of People”— is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union for the period 2014-2017. The project investigates temporary transnational migration between Asia and Europe. The research consortium is led by the University of Tampere in Finland and is composed of academics and researchers from the following countries: Belgium, China, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Netherlands, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine. In the Philippines, EURA-NET is implemented by SMC.