Dissemination forum on recruitment systems
January 12 2019
The Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) and the Taiwan Action Research Association (TARA) co-organized a dissemination forum on January 12, 2019 to share findings of the research project comparing the Philippines-Korea and Philippines-Taiwan migration corridors. The research specially probed the EPS (a government-to-government arrangement between the Philippines and Korea) and recruitment through private recruitment agencies (the means through which many Filipinos find work in Taiwan) and their impact on labor migration governance, bilateral cooperation and migrant worker protection. One key finding is the increasing appreciation in Taiwan of the contributions of foreign workers to Taiwanese society and some improvements in mechanisms to protect migrant workers. The full report will be available in March. SMC cooperated with TARA in Taiwan and the IOM-Migration Research Training Centre in Korea. The Korea Foundation funded the project.
(Photo credits: Zita Jeng)