M&D Café 8
May 21 2016

The Migration and Development Network (MIND-NET) would like to thank all those who attended the 8th M&D Café held on May 21 (Saturday), from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM at the Scalabrini Migration Center. Special thanks go to the presenters, Dr. Yasmin Ortiga of Nanyang Technological University and Dr. Angeline de Dios of the National University of Singapore. The titles of their presentations are listed below. For more photos, check the album, “M&D Café 8.”
MIND-NET regularly holds the M&D Café to promote the sharing and exchange of new research, publications and relevant information concerning migration and development. The Scalabrini Migration Center is the network’s secretariat. Those interested to join MIND-NET may contact Dr. Marla Asis (mindnet.ph@gmail.com).
Bodies of Work: Healthcare at the Bottom of the Migrant Care Chain
– Yasmin Y. Ortiga, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Jenica Ana Rivero, Our Lady of Fatima University, Philippines
“Cheap, High-quality Talent”: Overseas Filipino Musicians and the Racialized Flexibility of Migrant Creative Labor
– Anjeline de Dios, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore