Global and Asian Perspectives on Migration
Published by: Springer International Publishing

Edited by Graziano Battistella, this volume examines key aspects of the migration process that are particularly relevant in the Asian context. It looks into established concepts and theoretical propositions that have been applied in other regions, particularly in the West, and explore their validity and relevance in understanding the realities of migration in Asia.
Global and Asian Perspectives on International Migration features the perspectives of scholars from Asia and other parts of the world, as well as diverse backgrounds. The book starts with a review of the migration realities in Asia and their theoretical implications. The rest of the book presents the dialogue and exchange of the invited scholars on the following themes: circular and temporary migration; the management of cultural diversity; the gender perspective on migration in North America, Europe and Asia; return migration; migration governance in the ASEAN economic community; and the determinants of migration, with a special focus on migration transition in Asia. The dialogic approach of the book will serve as a valuable reference to policy makers, researchers and academics, civil society organizations, international organizations and the private sector who are interested in the many facets and nuances of international migration.
1 Migration in Asia: In Search of a Theoretical Framework
Graziano Battistella
2 Circular Migration:Triple Win,ora New Label
for Temporary Migration?
Stephen Castles and Derya Ozkul
3 Circular Migration in Asia:Approaches and Practices
Piyasiri Wickramasekara
4 European Immigrant Integration After Multiculturalism
Christian Joppke
5 From a Migrant Integration of Distinction
to a Multiculturalism of Inclusion
In-Jin Yoon
6 Reviewing Theories of Gender and Migration:Perspectives
from Europe and North America
Eleonore Kofman
7 Engendering International Migration:Perspectives
from within Asia
Brenda S.A. Yeoh
8 A Case for Return Preparedness
Jean-Pierre Cassarino
9 The Return of Return: Migration, Asia and Theory
Biao Xiang
10 Regional Economic Integration and Migration:Lessons
from the Case of Europe
Rinus Penninx
11 Migration Governance in the ASEAN Economic Community
Fernando T. Aldaba
12 The Determinants of Migration:In Search of Turning Points
Philip L. Martin
13 Migration Transition in Asia: Revisiting Theories
in the Light of Recent Evidence
Manolo I. Abella and Geoffrey Ducanes