Theology Conference
June 29 -30 2012

Organized in cooperation with the Loyola School of Theology and the Ateneo de Manila University
- Mission with Migrants: The Legacy of Bishop Scalabrini, by Anthony Paganoni, Gaetano Parolin, Gioacchino Campese and Fabio Baggio
- Caring for Migrants in Taiwan, by Peter O’Neill
- Living Together: Migrants and the Church in Japan, by Hiroyuki Abraham Arakawa
- The Care of Migrants in Singapore, by Jeremy Khoo
- Migra????on and religious experience among the Karens at Thai-Myanmar borderland, by Kwanchewan Buadaeng
- Islamic Theology of Migration, by Muhammad Machasin
- Ecumenic and Interreligious Dialogue in the Mission with Migrants, by Jonathan Tan
- The Current Discussion in the Theology of Migration, by Gioacchino Campese
- The Mission with Migrants, a Trinitarian Dimension, by Linh Hoang
- The Theology of Migration from a Woman’s Perspective, by Gemma Cruz
- Mission with Migrants, Paradigm of the New Mission, by Gaetano Parolin
- The Role of the Laity in the Mission with Migrants, by Cheryl Lee
- Ethics of Migration: In Search of a Framework, by Graziano Battistella
- The Pastoral Care of Migrants: Lessons from History, by Fabio Baggio
- A Multicultural Experiment: The Experience of Korea, by Myoung Hyoun Timotheo King
- The Care of Families Left Behind, by Bishop Precioso Cantillas