In the Wake of Parental Migration
Published by: CHAMPSEA and SMC
By: CHAMPSEA and SMC, 2011
In the Wake of Parental Migration: Health and Well-Being Impacts on Filipino Children. Highlights from CHAMPSEA-Philippines. Quezon City: Scalabrini Migration Center, 2011
This publication is an excerpt from a longer and more detailed Philippine country report, which is among the outputs of the Child Health and Migrant Parents in South-East Asia (CHAMPSEA) Study carried out between 2008 and 2010 in four countries of origin: Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Based on multivariate analyses using survey data from Laguna and Bulacan, CHAMPSEA-Philippines found no strong evidence to indicate that transnational migration had detrimental impacts on the children left behind. The study showed that children in transnational households fare well in various health and well-being outcomes compared with children in non-migrant households . The important role of grandmothers as alternate carers in transnational households was likewise evident.