SMC researchers awarded 2nd prize for poster entry on migration aspirations on young Filipinos
July 26, 2024
Eunice Tejada and Bernard Garcia’s poster presentation, “Europe on their minds: (Re)migration aspirations of Filipino youth” was awarded second prize in the PMRN International Conference that commemorates the 50th year of Philippine temporary labor migration. The conference was held on July 18-19, 2024 at the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). Receiving the award is Eunice Tejada (third from the left) of Scalabrini Migration Center with Prof. Stella Go of De la Salle University, Dr. Elma P. Laguna of the University of the Philippines Population Institute, and Dr. Lourdes M. Portus of PSSC.
The poster presentation is based on the semi-structured interviews of aspiring Filipino migrants 30 years of age and younger of the AspirE Project research project. For more information about Aspire and available knowledge products, please visit
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